MORE-IRON® is a unique combination supplement of two forms of fast & slow iron components; carbonyl iron & chelated iron (glucosamine iron); which is the 1st of its kind that is up to your standards as the best iron supplement to meet your daily requirements of high potency and safety.
Since more than 2 billion people over the world are anemic (almost 30% of the population), there is always a big demand for iron supplementation to help treat those patients. (1,2,3)
Women are on the top of the list in those who are at high risk for iron deficiency through their lifetime: (1,2,3)
Giving sufficient iron supplement during pregnancy will decrease low birth weight and prenatal mortality. (4,5)
What is unique in More-Iron®? (6,7,8,9,10,11)
More-Iron® consists of micro particles of highly purified 100% elemental iron as carbonyl iron, while other types of iron have 12-30% only of elemental iron.
More-Iron® has chelated iron with no electronic charges (neutral) which will significantly minimize the interaction with food and blocking the absorption of vitamin E & Ca.
More-Iron® will be dissolved in the gastric secretion by using the acid available in the stomach. This will make the absorption slow and complete in the small and large intestines through one to two days. Based on that and compared to other formulations of iron the well known side effects of iron supplements will be reduced and patient compliance will be clearly better.
Beside the less adverse events, More-Iron® is a safe medication as well because of less toxicity levels in the body.
More-Iron® contains also vitamins C, B12, B6, biotin, copper & folic acid.
These molecules will work in synergy with iron to add more benefits to the patient and facilitate the absorption of iron and related processes in the body.
Any anaemic patient will need iron supplement and More-Iron® can be his drug of choice.
More-Iron® is the best treatment option for females with anaemia & pregnant women where the demand of iron is high.
More-Iron® is given once daily for better compliance and the pack contains 30 capsules.